What is colic?
This is best defined as a long period of uncontrollable crying in infants lasting more than 3 hours and happening more than 3 days a week, which disrupts their sleep and optimal health development.
Research tells us that colic affects 1 in 4 babies based on standard criteria, however it is likely that it is higher when factoring in infants who struggle with the following:
- Frequent periods of crying
- Discomfort
- Reflux
- Indigestion
Here are some challenges that your babe may be experiencing:
- Intense crying that may seem more like screaming or an expression of pain
- Crying for no apparent reason (rather than hunger or diaper change)
- Extreme fussiness even after crying has diminished
- Predictable timing - more often in the evening or shortly after eating
- Facial discoloration
- Body tension, stiffening, arching, cranking or throwing their head and neck backwards
- Burping often or passing a lot of gas
- Active grimacing or a ‘painful’ look on their face
- Presence of reflux and/or constipation
Even your older kiddos who struggled with colic may have grown into other things such as:
- Constipation
- Ear infections
- Anxiety
- Depression
How can Pediatric Chiropractic help?
Colic has become more apparent with the increase in prenatal stress and birth intervention. Babies are more stressed out than ever! With so many traumas, toxins, technology, and negative thoughts increasing in the world, babies are UNCOMFORTABLE.
What causes colic? The answer is simple: stress on the brain and nervous system. Neurologically-Focused, Pediatric-Trained chiropractors have a specific analysis to find where their stress is being held and are able to remove it so they can move from fight or flight mode to growth and development. This will allow them to calm down and regulate their stress instead of absorbing it all.